AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:23:46 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:23:52 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - Q0: What is this tournament series, called AWP?
First of all, I would like to clarify a misunderstanding. The AWP is not the name of this series, but the name of the "organization" which organizes this community event. You can read more about AWP here (skip the off-topic part ;) ): The right name of this series is AWP World Tour. Or World Tour. Or simple this: The Tour. And this is only one of the community events which organized by AWP. Ok, actually the only one, but will be more :P
- Q1: Ok, so what is this tournament series, called AWP World Tour?
The AWP World Tour is a continuous series of single elimination tournaments for the competitive Warlight community. The format inspired by the tennis ATP World Tour. If you understand how the ATP World Tour works you will easy understand how the AWP World Tour works because they are almost the same (AWP World Tour is a simplified version). You can read more about ATP and the tennis World Tour here:
Ok, now that you have read and understood everything about the ATP World Tour, open the AWP World Tour google docs and carefully look it over (both Ranking List and Events sheets): I think, now you should understand how the AWP World Tour works ;) Jokes aside, later I will write much more Q/A about how the AWP World Tour works (in details), but first, I would like to answer some general questions regarding the Tour.
- Q2: I don't have enough patience to understand how the whole system works… but I love the Rankings, and I feel I am strong enough to conquer it!
What should I do for this?
Ok, then let me to be your agent :) My advice depends on your freetime.
- If you have a lot of time for playing Warlight
Then my answer is simple, join to all the 50 events per year, and do your best. That's all. But one more thing. The Tour events are filling relatively quickly (6-24 hours) so you will need a fast join skill ;) The invitations are sending out on every Wednesday between 04:00-06:00 am CET, so you should online and check invitations on these days. Other possibility that you receive a Wild Card, which only mean Monday morning (CET) invitations instead of the Wednesday ones, so you have +2 days for joining. If you were very good in other community events, you will receive Wild Cards immediately for sure. Or if you are good on The Tour, you will get as well, after a time. Or you can simple request one if you can convince me ;)
- If you have limited time for playing Warlight
Then you should try to follow this event joining order (Rankings point of view):
- Join to the four Grand Slams per year (first week of January, April, July, October)
Simple because 8000 of the maximum 19000 points are come from these four events!
- Join to the eight Masters 1000 events per year (first week of the rest 8 months)
8000 of the maximum 19000 points are come from these 8 events.
These 12 Tour events called major events. Or "mandatory" events (only Rankings point of view of course, and only because 16000 of the maximum 19000 points are come from these events!) And very important, that all the 12 event results above will be counted, but only the best 6 of 38 results will be counted from events below!
- Join to the twelve 500 Series events per year (third week of every months)
You can get max. 3000 of the 19000 maximum points from these events (if you win 6 of the 12 events). And a result from this section only counted if better than your 250 Series best six results.
- Join to the twentysix 250 Series events per year (the rest weeks)
You can get max. 1500 of the 19000 maximum points from these events (if you win 6 of the 26 events). And a result from this section only counted if better than your 500 Series best six results.
Summary: Join to all the 12 major events. Try to join as many 500 Series events as you can. Join to the 250 Series events only if you very like the template or have enough time ;)
- Q3: I don't have enough time to play even 12 single elimination tournaments per year, so I have no chance for good Rankings at all. /OR/ I think this Rankings is not correct. /OR/ I don't like any Rankings. /OR/ any other Rankings problems.
Would you mind if I don't play on any Tour events at all because of this?
Yes! :D Jokes aside, the Rankings is "only" an additional fun factor on the Tour. I think enough fun and a nice challenge to win a simple Tour event. Harder challenge (= better fun) try to win more than one Tour event (just check how few players can do this during 34 events! :O ) Or win a major Tour events (where your opponents usually play more focused way) is a hard one too. But simple playing againts good opponents in different templates forwarding in the brackets is very fun itself imo. So if you are in this situation then simple ignore the Rankings, but please don't ignore the whole Tour ;) Preferably check the Tour schedule here: and you can choose one or more Tour events one year forward (the templates are constantly updated) which you are interested in. Then you just write me a message (PM or in any AWP topic) and I will invite you, even giving you a Wild Card if you were good in any other community events, so you will be as a guest star on the Tour ;)
- Q4: How can I join to the Tour?
I invite players to the Tour events based on my Invite list, which exaclty means my Friend list in Warlight. If you want to join to the Tour, you just simple have to write a short message to me (PM or in any AWP topic) and I will add you to my Invite list (=Friend list). After this, you will be invited to every Tour events! So if you want only get invitations to one or more exact but not to all events, write this request as well. There is a Tour event in every week. The invitations are sent on every Wednesday between 04:00-06:00 am CET. Except for the TOP100 (in case of major events) or TOP50 (in case of smaller events) and the Wild Carded players (40 players in major or 20 players in smaller events), because these 140 or 70 players will be invited on Monday mornings (+ 2 days for joining). These two additional days is an advance because the Tour events are filling relatively quickly (6-24 hours). If you were very good in other community events, you will receive Wild Cards immediately for sure. Or if you are good on The Tour, you will get as well, after a time. Or you can simple request one if you can convince me ;)
- Q5: Hey, I never join to the Tour, nonetheless I am receiving your Tour event invitations, how?
First of all I would like to say sorry if I am bothering you this way, and just write a short message to me (PM or in any AWP topic) and I will immediate remove you from my Invite list. In the beginning, for promotional purposes, I added all players from the better clans to my Invite list. And time to time, I update my Invite list with the new clan members of those clans. So this is how you've been part of the invitees. And sorry again, but I had no better idea for promotion :| Anyway, I plan to clean my Invite list soon (remove alts, inactive players, and not Tour oriented active players) but until then you can unsubscribe from the Tour anytime.
- Q6: How can I unsubscribe from the Tour?
You just simple have to write a short message to me (PM or in any AWP topic) and I will remove you from my Invite list. If you still want to be invited to one or more exact but not to all events, write this request as well. Of course, you can rejoin to the Tour anytime if you change your mind.
To be continued.
Edited 5/30/2017 03:27:34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:23:57 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:01 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:07 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:11 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
THE FIXED 35 TEMPLATES - Very weird templates
Where the gameplay is very different than the standards. Templates with game changing mechanics (MA, LD, ArmyCap, No-Split, Commanders, Changed kill rates), templates with many special settings. These are usually the controversial templates (hated by many but loved too)
- Grand Slam:
- Masters:
- 500 Series:
- Fixed 250 Series:
- Soft weird templates
Where the gameplay is different a bit than the standards. Templates with no game changing mechanics, but with a few gimmicks (e.g. weird maps (symmetrical, brawly, big, etc.), weird bonuses (INSS, Super bonuses, negative bonuses, etc.), weird incomes, weird neutrals/wastelands, weird distribution, weird cards, weird fogs, extra armies, etc.)
- Grand Slam:
- Masters:
- 500 Series:
- Fixed 250 Series:
- Standard SR templates
Those SR templates which do not belong to the weird categories
- Grand Slam:
- Masters:
- 500 Series:
- Fixed 250 Series:
- Standard WR templates
Those WR templates which do not belong to the weird categories
- Grand Slam:
- Masters:
- 500 Series:
- Fixed 250 Series:
Edited 3/10/2021 09:16:22
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:14 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
VERY WEIRD TEMPLATE POOL (constantly updated) Where the gameplay is very different than the standards. Templates with game changing mechanics (MA, LD, ArmyCap, No-Split, Commanders, Changed kill rates), templates with many special settings. These are usually the controversial templates (hated by many but loved too)
Edited 2/17/2021 04:26:17
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:18 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
SOFT WEIRD TEMPLATE POOL(constantly updated) Where the gameplay is different a bit than the standards. Templates with no game changing mechanics, but with a few gimmicks (e.g. weird maps (symmetrical, brawly, big, etc.), weird bonuses (INSS, Super bonuses, negative bonuses, etc.), weird incomes, weird neutrals/wastelands, weird distribution, weird cards, weird fogs, extra armies, etc.)
Edited 2/21/2021 05:20:18
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:22 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
STANDARD SR TEMPLATE POOL(constantly updated) Those SR templates which do not belong to the weird categories
Edited 2/21/2021 05:27:12
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:26 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
STANDARD WR TEMPLATE POOL(constantly updated) Those WR templates which do not belong to the weird categories
Edited 2/21/2021 05:38:41
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:29 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
THE TOUR RECORDS (updated monthly automatically)
Edited 5/27/2020 03:54:00
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:32 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Edited 5/21/2020 04:18:05
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:37 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
(Date / Number One / Related forum posts / Yearly Google sheets)
- 2016 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
(Date / Number One / Related forum posts / Monthly Google sheets)
- 06/2016 - Buns157
- 07/2016 - Buns157 (same as 06/2016 because there isn't finished event in July)
- 08/2016 - master of desaster
- 09/2016 - master of desaster
- 10/2016 - MIFRAN
- 11/2016 - MIFRAN (same as 10/2016 because there isn't finished event in November)
- 12/2016 - MIFRAN
Edited 5/21/2020 04:17:55
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:40 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
(Date / Number One / Related forum posts / Yearly Google sheets)
(Date / Number One / Related forum posts / Monthly Google sheets)
- 01/2017 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
- 02/2017 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
- 03/2017 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
- 04/2017 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
- 05/2017 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
- 06/2017 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
- 07/2017 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
- 08/2017 - PanagiotisTheGreekFreak
- 09/2017 - rakleader
- 10/2017 - rakleader
- 11/2017 - rakleader
- 12/2017 - rakleader
Edited 5/21/2020 04:19:09
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:46 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
(Date / Number One / Related forum posts / Yearly Google sheets)
(Date / Number One / Related forum posts / Monthly Google sheets)
- 01/2018 - rakleader
- 02/2018 - rakleader
- 03/2018 - Timinator
- 04/2018 - Timinator
Edited 5/21/2020 04:19:51
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:49 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
To many, it may seem that creating and running the AWP World Tour is only my merit, but many people have helped me over time and I want to thank them for that. So thank you to the following contributors for their help in this cool AWP World Tour adventure: - First of all, thanks to Fizzer for creating this great game!
Without it, there would be no AWP World Tour :) And he often helped me out when I had a problem.
- I would like to thank the following people for their programming help
- Deadman
His Google script is a huge help in automating recording and scoring results, saving a lot of time in administration. And he also contributed a few ideas to the development of the Tour (e.g. the new design).
- Krzysztof
Without his scripts to automate invitations, I would have gone crazy for sure from a lot of invite clicks :)
- Muli
He embedded to his script the AWP
- I would like to thank the following people for their administrative help
- PJ (he also helped with ideas e.g. the much easier monthly system)
- s1gmoyd (he also helped with ideas e.g. auto ranking)
- Ƨillynamenace
- malakkan
- Min34
- psykkoman
- I would like to thank the members of the template panels
- 2017
Buns, Rakleader, MIFRAN, MoD, Wini, ANT, Panagiotis
- 2018
Quicksilver, Rakleader, Timinator, MoD, Wini, Buns, Malakkan
- 2019
Kicorse, Rento, Quicksilver, Beren, Timinator, AI, FSG, Rakleader, Platinium, MoD, RiverStyxie, Buns, Malakkan, JV
- 2020
Beren, MoD, Timinator, Alexclusive, AI, Rakleader, FSG, Buns, Hergul, GuestNWHSzY, Rento, Kicorse, Schwarz
- 2021
AI, Tornado, Hergul, Beren, Rakleader, FSG, Timinator, Alexclusive, MoD, Buns, GuestNWHSzY, ADHDnI, Jimmy
- I would like to thank you for the coin donations from which we purchased the AWP admin's membership
Buns - 1,600, Malakkan - 800, Rakleader - 800, John John Johnson - 800, PJ017 - 800, Sloppyfatginger - 400, Darkpie - 320, Nemo - 80 and Quicksilver who organized it and made up the shortfall. - And finally I want to thank the great players I was able to cheer for and the great Tour achievements I really enjoyed
- The biggest still active Tour stars
Buns, MoD, Timi, Rak
- Inactive former big Tour stars
Kicorse (still holds quite a few Tour records!), MIFRAN, Panagiotis (two inactive members of the former "Big Four" :) )
- Some personal favorite stars in addition to the above :)
Quicksilver, FSG, Hergul, FlyingBender
- And a few more Tour stars with great performance
Tornado, Malakkan, Rento, AI, Kurdistan, Guest, Octane, JV and many more from the top of the Tour record lists :)
I hope I didn't miss anyone, five years is a long time and really a lot of people helped. Thanks again to everyone!
Edited 5/27/2021 07:02:34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:53 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:24:56 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Edited 5/21/2020 04:17:48
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:00 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Edited 5/21/2020 04:18:59
AWP World Tour Magazine: 2017-05-30 03:25:03 |

AWP Admin
Level 34
Edited 5/21/2020 04:19:44
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