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AWP World Tour Finals 2024: 3/5/2024 22:17:09

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Octane vs ???
(best of 7)

Coming soon

Edited 5/30/2024 13:27:10
AWP World Tour Finals 2024: 3/5/2024 22:17:13

AWP Admin 
Level 34
??? vs ???
(Grand Final!)
(best of 11)

The grandest stage in all of Warzone!

Edited 4/3/2024 23:57:25
AWP World Tour Finals 2024: 3/5/2024 22:17:18

AWP Admin 
Level 34
AWP World Tour Finals 2024: 4/5/2024 09:30:20

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Hi everyone. Lots of action has happened. An update has been requested. Here goes…

Round 1:

tornado vs Min34
Nado lets Min play Strat ME, choosing to ban Guiroma. Min proceeds to boot on picks. Nado then beats Min on Biomes, largely due to some fantastic 2 army attack predictions.

CraZy vs malakkan
Both get full info on S1v1. Crazy destroys malakkan in 2 turns with some great predictions.

Malakkan gets spicy and picks Strat Comms. Both commanders spawn next to each other. Crazy learns it’s WR on T2 when he tries to tap some 3s and kills nothing lmao. Crazy brings it back, has malakkan on the ropes… and then suicides his commander. Classic.

Timid Lands decider. A +2 ftb for Crazy. A +3 for malakkan. But Crazy has a counter and breaks him on T2. Malakkan, down income, gets trapped in the corner. Easy conversion for Crazy.

Fan vs jache
Game 1: The two Frenchies fight in France. With no ftbs, they both smash each other and both fail to take any territories on T1. Then Fan proceeds to read Jache’s soul and makes all the right moves.

Game 2: Strat Greece. Lack of coverage lost Fan this game. Too much Turkiye, not enough Greece.

Game 3: Another Timid Lands decider. Both get full info and on T1 let their fists fly. Both go, “Ouchies! That hurt!” and choose to take a +2 on T2. Problem is, Fan’s is in Jache’s face, forcing him to full deploy to defend it, allowing Jache to remove him from a position, trap him in the corner and slowly strangle him.

Dom365 vs Wini
Took a while to complete picks and bans, so no games are completed. Dom, well known for his well roundedness on all templates, mainly picks and bans with Wini’s strengths and weaknesses in mind. The templates they ended with are Greece, Volcano and Guiroma as a decider.

Texx vs Timinator
Same as above; slow picks, so no games completed. Picked templates are Biomes, Timid Lands and Greece as the decider.

adrenaline vs MoriOri
Starting off on Guiroma, both players did similar picks, but Mori wins a flip for pick #1. They then played the rest of the game in real time. Mori knew 3/4 spawns and was able to accurately assume adrenaline’s final location, allowing him realise the need to counter Greece on T3. Up income, he wins by reaching a crippling double border.

Adrenaline would get revenge a week later and tie up the series on Africa. Mori picked a poisonous double a tad too late and only got 1 pick in it, forcing him to block the spawn on T1. Mori was then faced with a serious problem, he had a green +3 bordering adrenaline’s jungle +3. Mori couldn’t break the jungle profitably, so he decided to focus on spreading. Adrenaline was able to use the momentum to clean up. Over in 4 turns.

rakleader vs Jack Norris
Game 1: Biomes. Rak valued the double in the Canadian tundra more than the Amazon due to a counter from central Brazil. He then gets crushed since that counter forces him to eat so much poison he can’t capitalise by taking another territory from Jack in the Amazon +3.

Game 2: Volcano. Now it’s Jack’s turn to get crushed. Less complicated, tho. He simply went for a +5 stb and got countered. Game over in 2 turns.

Game 3: A decider on Guiroma and a flip for Arabia - which Jack wins. Rak then forgets to cover the Greece +6 and Jack uses it to seal the game by staying alive in the west and yoinking Rak’s +4 Arabia counter, giving him all of Turkiye as free real estate. Game over. Jack advances.

Octane vs UsualSuspect
Timid Lands for the first game. Sussy won on Octane’s pick. How? Simple! Sussy took an ftb, had the income advantage, made a nice counterattack to defend his bonus, got to a double border that threatened a large amount of Octane’s income, baited him to over defend it and took him out elsewhere, accumulated income and launched a secondary charge to Octane’s +4 whilst defending his own bonuses. … See? Simple!

Game 2 was on Greece. A brawl in Turkiye. Sussy takes South Greece, Octane took the juicier North Greece, and as soon as he gets a lead in income, plays passive in Greece and leverage his income to muscle Sussy out of Turkiye.

A decider on Strat MME/S1v1/New Ladder template. Both have safe income, except for Octane’s East Asia vs Sussy’s East Russia. Octane gets to the double border on Russia, breaks Sussy, and runs away with the game.
AWP World Tour Finals 2024: 5/30/2024 13:19:06

AWP Admin 
Level 34
Humpity Bumpity sat on a wall. 11 Humpity Bumpities have had a great fall. That means that just 5 players remain in the Tour Finals. Jache & Tornado are playing their semifinal, Octane is waiting for the winner of Texx & Adrenaline to start the other semifinal.
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