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Korea - Seoul metropolitan area (Gyeonggi-do)

#Real World  
Created by Mwoim (all)
Went public on 5/8/2014
Number of ratings: 48
Average rating: 3.3125 / 5
83 territories, 21 bonuses, 3 distribution modes



Review by ҈ * TeeMee123҈ * on 5/9/2014.
You have a missing connection between opo and wabu (kinda in the middle). The bonus links (boxes) are all different sizes and innacuratly positioned, so are the territories (there are a few black gaps between some). Another thing, the Incheon bonus (worth 14 armies per turn) seems unfairly more powerful than the Island bonus (worth 2 armies per turn), when it has roughly the same number of territories in it. Excluding accuracy, I think that this map is okay for 1v1's, but the islands to the West might make things a bit odd.
Response by map creator Mwoim on 5/17/2014
I accept that!
2 out of 2 people found this review helpful.
Review by Nathan on 5/9/2014.
Nice map, but the bonuses make absolutely no sense to me.
Response by map creator Mwoim on 5/17/2014
I accept that!
3 out of 5 people found this review helpful.
Review by Robc01 on 5/8/2014.
Great map. Like my dad always told me, you need to start at the bottom to get to the top.
1 out of 3 people found this review helpful.