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I want to make a language...: 1/9/2016 21:53:27

Level 58
Aye, it's pure barry, like!
I want to make a language...: 1/9/2016 22:16:08

E Masterpierround
Level 58
The best way to create a new language, in my opinion, is to arbitrarily assign Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek letters to the symbol in the phonetic alphabet. Then, use a four letter code at the beginning of each sentence (or paragraph, or message, depending on how complicated you want this to be) in this manner: The first letter represents the language of nouns, the second letter represents the language of verbs, the third letter represents the language of adjectives, and the forth letter represents everything else's language (these languages can be any four, as long as you keep the initials constant). You then translate each sentence (or paragraph, or message, again depending on the level of complexity you're aiming for) according to its four letter code, then spell the whole thing phonetically, and finally substitute the Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek letters that you assigned in the beginning. You then have a message that can be easily deciphered if you have the key, the International Phonetic Alphabet's Wikipedia page, and Google Translate. Alternately, you could be trilingual and carry flash cards.
I want to make a language...: 1/10/2016 10:38:47

Level 55
good idea E Masterpierround
I want to make a language...: 1/19/2016 19:25:18

Fan the Apostle
Level 56
I finally completed a script , its mostly sylabic , I also need some native words to go w/ it , give suggestions

I want to make a language...: 1/19/2016 19:28:46

Fan the Apostle
Level 56
Here's another image , review ( I use imgflip cuz that's the only way I can send non-wiki(a) photos to the forums)

I want to make a language...: 1/19/2016 20:19:30

Level 47
I'm a language enthusiast as well. I attempted to create an alphabet and language heavily derived from Hebrew and Arabic when I was thirteen or so, but succeeded only partially.

Anyway, remember that not all sounds are in each language and that language sounds are influenced by regional geography and climate. E.g. 'ch' and 'p' are not in Arabic, the Romance languages don't have 'gh' or 'kh', Korean doesn't have 'sh' and so on.
I want to make a language...: 1/19/2016 22:51:47

Tchaikovsky Reborn
Level 41

I actually have thought of writing in Arabic because:
1. It looks quite beautiful
2. It's from right to left, so I, as a leftie, don't have to deal with smudging up my paper.

I actually have a joke about it.

A man decides to set up a soda stand in Israel. above the stand he has three pictures from left to right; a thirsty man, a man drinking the soda, and an energized man. After 10 long days, he doesn't sell a single can.

He goes to a friend of his and asks, "Why aren't I selling any of these soda cans?"

His friends replied "In Hebrew, you read right to left. so your sign says if you drink the soda, you will become thirsty".

(feel free to replace Israel and Hebrew with any other country and script that writes right to left)
I want to make a language...: 1/19/2016 23:38:17

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
Why did you make it so complicated like the Japanese Alphabet.

But that may just be my preference to single sound alphabet.
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 01:24:45

An abandoned account
Level 56
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 01:38:38

♤Prince Riku Lyonheart♤
Level 57
I think we need a new lingua franca in society. I mean, look at english with all these dang weird things...

For example....

1) The bandage was wound around his leg to cover his wound.

2) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

3) The dump was full, and had to refuse further refuse.

4) We must polish the Polish furniture.

5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.

6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

7) "No time like the present," he said. "It's time to present her the present."

8) A large-mouthed bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.

9) Startled, the dove dove into the bushes.

10) I did not object to the object.

11) The insurance on the invalid was invalid.

12) There was a row among the oarsmen about who could row the best.

13) We were too close to the door to close it.

14) When does are near, a buck does funny things.

15) Not watching their steps, a seamstress and a sewer fell into a sewer.

16) On her farm, a woman worked to produce produce.

17) She wanted to sow, but her sow ate the grain; so she chose to sew.

18) Next, she hitched her cow to a plough to make a trough.

19) Then she decided to combine her combines.

20) That evening, she told her beau to go slow.

21) But she shed a tear when she saw the tear in her dress.

22) I had to subject the subject to a test.

23) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

24) It might be wise to bow to a man with a bow.

25) John had to write to the right people to keep his rights during his rites.

26) The ewe with the flu knew who was due to get you through to the gnu with the number-two shoe, too!

Let's face it, English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger; neither apples nor pine are in pineapple. English muffins aren't English, nor are French fries French. Sweetmeats are candies, while sweetbreads—which aren't sweet—are meat. We take English for granted, but if we explore some of its paradoxes, we find that quicksand is slow, boxing rings are square, and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor a pig!

Why is it that writers write and painters paint, but fingers don't fing? Why don't grocers groce, why don't hammers ham, and why don't dumpsters dumpst?

If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth? One goose, two geese. So—one moose, two meese? One mouse, two mice, means one house, two hice? And one index, two indices? If you have more than one ibex, why don't you have ibices? Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but you can't make just a single amend? If you throw out some odds and ends, but keep one item, is it an odd or an end? Which one is right to have left?

If teachers have taught, why haven't preachers praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, then what does a humanitarian eat? Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what kind of language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Must we ship by transport and transport by ship? Who else has noses that run and feet that smell?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up while it's burning down, forms are filled out by being filled in, and an alarm that's gone off is still going on.

English is a world where a woodcarvers magazine editor might add ads for adzes, and a chemist might use a vile vial. People can sit on a bough, though, and cough through the night as they re-read a red book to say they re-read it; and whomever finishes first has won one!

Why had the cops sought the sot? The photographers knot all fought for the shot—and not just for naught. Does the fuzz think there was proof of blood on a wood floor? And what was that word that occurred by the bird turd?

At the height of their leisure, neither had the sleight to seize the feisty weird sovereign poltergeist, so they had to forfeit the foreign heifer's counterfeit protein. [With apologies to "i before e"......]
English was invented by people, not by computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race—which of course is not a race at all. That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

But please—could someone explain why "Buick" doesn't rhyme with "quick"?


There is a two-letter word that has perhaps more meanings than any other two-letter English word, and that is the word "UP."

It's easy to understand "UP" as meaning "toward the sky" or "moving to the top" of something, but why do we wake UP in the morning (just before we get UP)?

At a meeting, we must speak UP in order to bring UP a topic. Then it's UP to the secretary to write UP a report (unless she can think UP an excuse).

We call UP our friends and ask them to come UP for dinner. For them, we brighten UP the room, and we polish UP the silver, hoping they've worked UP an appetite. We mess UP the kitchen cooking UP a meal and using towels to soak UP spills. Afterward, we have to clean UP, and the next day, we warm UP the leftovers.

Sometimes, guys lock UP their house, line UP to buy parts, and then fix UP their old cars.

Politicians stir UP trouble, especially when they're UP for election.

To be dressed is one thing, but to be dressed UP is something special!

A drain must be opened UP because it is stopped UP. If your can of Drano is empty, it's all used UP.

We open UP a store in the morning, but at night we close UP shop.

If it looks like rain, we say it is clouding UP. When the sun comes out, we say it is clearing UP. When it rains, some things get wet and may end UP being all rusted UP. But when it doesn't rain for a while, then everything dries UP. And in the winter, things can freeze UP!
We seem to be pretty mixed UP about "UP"! If you want to know more about "UP," look it UP in the dictionary. It may take UP a fourth of the page, and can add UP to about thirty definitions!

If you are UP to it, you might try building UP your own list of the many uses of "UP." It will take UP a lot of your time, but if you don't give UP, you may wind UP with more than a hundred!

I could go on and on, but my time is UP. I'm going to wrap it UP by shutting UP!

See what i mean? English is messed up... please dont make your language do these stupid things, please, Fan. Im Begging you! XD
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 03:17:36

Diety Emperor Cacao, God Ruler of the Universe 
Level 57
From what I can see half the alphabet derives from the Korean Alphabet.

Fan are you obsessed with Koreans?
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 06:00:21

Level 57
Here's my suggestion use a combination of 1s and 0s, and use 16 characters, also have well defined rules with no exceptions to them

and then define a base-16 number system to go with it.

That way the language is completely computer compatible.

So a number would be 0000 ****
and a character would be 0001 ****
and punctuation could be 0010 ****
and if you need bonus characters 0011 ****(brings us to 32)
and you could use the other options to expand the language's functionality as necessary.
so everything can be done with a single byte.

one byte to function as an possible form within the language, It's completely computer compatible, and removes the necessity to use UTF-8.

I have designed the language of the future Nyahahaha!

Edited 1/20/2016 06:12:10
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 14:52:38

Level 63
neither apples nor pine are in pineapple
The fruit looks like pine cones. Back in that day pine cones were called pineapples, thus the fruit was called a pineapple.

a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor a pig

I know that the pig part comes from the fact that they are able to produce piglike sounds. Don`t know where the guinea comes from (but you can probably google it and find out)

Edited 1/20/2016 14:56:40
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 17:26:07

Level 55
a silverfish is neither a fish, nor made of silver.
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 18:24:50

♤Prince Riku Lyonheart♤
Level 57
Explain some of the others. Slim and fat chance... on a bus on a train but in a car, even though in all of them tou are IN the transportation...

We can all agree that english could use a replacement

Edited 1/20/2016 18:25:36
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 20:50:20

Level 35
Looks like someone watched too much Xidnaf
I want to make a language...: 1/20/2016 21:56:11

Muten Rōshi
Level 58
Syallabes :)
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