Wisdom and Wanderings and the Great Catastrophe

Created by Iconian (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 4/30/2024
Number of attempts: 203
Number of wins: 19
Number of likes: 7
Record holder: mitxel in 52 turns on 5/14/2024


The war waged on far longer than you had ever imagined. But in the end you triumphed--and then, the Great Catastrophe came. Survive, use reconnaissance to steer clear of the bigger threats, rebuild and blockade when necessary, and conquer, and perhaps it will all mean something at last.

This level is based on a level I played some years back, "run" created by warhead in 2018. The premise of fleeing on a designated path from a more powerful foe stuck with me. WWGC is a more expansive version of this idea. Even though this will require a lot of turns to achieve victory, the nature of the map means the level will probably take a couple hours to beat; "run" took me about 5 or 10 minutes.

After playing several times, I should note upfront that there's some variability in the difficulty--it could be very difficult, or relatively easy. If you find it not to your liking you could always restart and try again. If there's enough interest, I may create another version with less randomness.